Top Ten Technology Tips for Teachers

Here are my Top Ten Technology Tips for Teachers! Enjoy!

1) Get involved in social media. By now the majority of the world has some sort of social media whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Administrators and parents like to see what is going on in the classroom and having a page on at least one of these social media sites will allow them to have glimpse into your day with your students.

2) Learn about the technology you have access to within your school. Visit the librarian and the technology specialists to get an understanding of what you can use with your students in the classroom.

3) Keep up with new technology trends. I recently found this web resource that lists new web tools and programs that could be helpful for educators. Unfortunately, this site will no longer be updated but there are so many web tools here that are described and discussed. I'm sure there are other sites out there that will continue to review new programs as well.

4) Try to understand where everyone is at in terms of their technology skills in your class. Some students may have a lot of experience using tablets and computers, while others may not. Some students may be really comfortable using Google Docs and some may be more comfortable using Microsoft Word. Don't assume anything about what your students know or what technology they are most comfortable with.

5) Make sure you practice using whatever devices or programs you plan to teach. Sometime technology can be sensitive and may not work. Or links can be entered wrong and students could be sent to the wrong site. It's important that you test everything that you use and be almost an expert about it.

6) Make sure you bookmark the sites and tools that you use and that work well in your lessons. I find that there are so many tools out there that I forget about because I don't bookmark them. I also suggest that you create a document with some web resources in it that you can always refer back to.

7) Expand your searching method. Don't just use Google as your search engine, look at some other search engines and introduce them to your students as well.

8) Remember that some students may not have the internet or a computer where they live. Make sure you assign homework that everyone is able to do. This means you need to definitely need to get to know your students.

9) Teach your students to care for the technology that they use in class. These devices are not toys, they are educational tools when they are used in school.

10) Continue to grow and learn as much as you can. Technology continues to grow and teachers need to keep up with it.

I hope these tips help you in how you use technology in your classroom!



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